Transformer Components manufactures bushings for use in pole and padmount oil-filled distribution transformers and other oil-filled electrical apparatus. Transformers Components manufactures an externally operated switch that provides a means of performing electrical testing of transformers that are equipped with an internal under-oil lighting arrester.
ECI is pleased to announce the addition of our new 1.2 kV Class, 30 kV BIL polemount low voltage bushing. Specifically designed metal castings in conjunction with a thermoset body which incorporates a recessed gasket provides superior strength, high temperature resistance and controlled gasket compression.
ECI manufactures triclamp style integral low voltage bushings for padmounted transformers, switchgear and other apparatus filled with transformer fluid. Select from either 5/8″ or 1″ threaded copper studs integrally bonded to HTN insulation. Varying threaded stud lengths are available to accommodate your application.
Browse our complete selection of single-phase padmount, single-phase polemount, three-phase padmount, and three-phase polemount transformers today.